Our History.
The Ratepayers Association...
Originally established by the community of Lion Mill (now Mount Helena), on the 18th April, 1905, MHRRPA still is committed to "promoting active participation from local residences in our initiative of making the Mt Helena Community, and neighbourhood a better place to live and grow."
Lion Mill Progress Association. (1906, April 7). The Swan Express (Midland Junction, WA : 1900 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article207334065
The Timber Milling Town..
“Mount Helena” is the fourth name of this area since European settlement.
The first name that appears on record is “Marionvale” which was given as the residential address of Abraham White (who set up the first sawmill) in his death notice in the West Australian in 1885.
The area then became known as “Whites Mill” until his sawmill closed. The next sawmill venture was known as Lion Mill.
However in the 1924 the name changed again following a vote by residents.
The prime mover in the quest for a new name was the local Progress Association whose first choice, "Hillcrest" had been rejected by the authorities because of a duplication in New South Wales.
The next suggestion, "Mount Helena" was more successful and had been chosen as a euphonious name, indicative of the terrain and because the suburb was situated centrally in the Helena District.
Abraham White is our original pioneer and his body rests somewhere in the East Perth Pioneers Cemetery.

Mundaring's local history museum that gathers, preserves, showcases and interprets the Mundaring Hills history for the current and future generations. Working with local community groups, schools and locals to share local history. The Mundaring Travelling Museum, opened in March 2019, is home to permanent and temporary exhibitions regarding the Hills history.
0481 169 638 - lostmundaring@hotmail.com - Find us on Facebook