This ANZAC Day, Mt Helena Residents and Ratepayers Progress Association together with Lost Mundaring and Surroundings Local History Museum are proud to be relaunching the Mount Helena ANZAC Day Service.
We invite everyone from around our great Shire to be a part of this historic occasion and to commemorate our service man and women.
Date: 25 April 2023
Time: 11:30am
Events: March - Ceremony - Morning Tea - Historical Display at Mundaring Travelling Museum
The ANZAC Service will coincide with the grand reopening of the WW1 Lion Mill Roll of Honour (1916) which will have a new home at the Shire community facility of Elsie Austin Pavilion.
We would like thank Eastern Hills Senior High School for housing the Roll of Honour in their Gymnasium for the last four decades, when Mount Helena didn't have a community hall.
Thank you to the Shire of Mundaring and the Mundaring RSL Sub Branch for your support with this event!
