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Nestled in the Shire of Mundaring, 40 kilometres from Perth, Mount Helena is a small and tight nit community. Foundation of Mount Helena occurred in 1882. With a population of over 3,100 people and home to a variety of community and sporting groups and local businesses, Mount Helena is the place to be.

BACKGROUND: BULLOCK TEAM; LION MILL, MT HELENA, c.1882 - 1898 - Shire of Toodyay’s photographic collection

Serving the Community since 1905

MHRRPA aims to promote active participation within the community to make Mount Helena a better, more vibrant place to live and grow. We facilitate many community projects, including the bi-annual Whim Festival.



Wednesday, 19 February 2025

6:30pm - Elsie Austin Pavilion

21 Chidlow Street, Mount Helena 

Our Committee.

Meet the committed team who run your local residents and ratepayers progress association.


What is a Whim?

The Whim was used for log haulage in the early days of the South-west timber industry including the Perth Hills.
The whim axle was manoeuvred midway over a felled log. With the aid of a swampers spoon, the chain was passed under the lof and hooked onto the axle. The whim beam, as a lever, was pulled down using horses and secured to the log, thus raising the axle and the log for easier haulage. A team of eight horses then hauled the raised log to the steam saw mill. The whim revolutionised the early timber industry and was used until the advent of motorised tractors.

The whim has been honoured and recognised by the Mount Helena Residents and Ratepayers Progress Association as a part of their logo and name of our biannual 'Whim' Festival.

Photo: BULLOCK TEAM; LION MILL, MT HELENA, c.1882 - 1898 - Shire of Toodyay’s photographic collection

Join our mailing list

PO Box 156 Mount Helena

WA 6082


or President, Joan -


Facebook @mthelena


Thanks for submitting!

Contact Us.

Useful Contacts

Emergencies - 000

​Police (not an emergency) - 131 444
Crime Stoppers - 1800 333 000

Volunteer Fire Brigade - 9572 1414

Mundaring Police Station - 9290 1900

Shire of Mundaring - 9290 6666

Visitors Centre - 9290 6645

Shire Councillors (East Ward)

Cr John Daw - 0437 997 325

Cr Neridah Zlatnik - 0438 943 782

Shire President

Paige McNeil -0414 799 659

Copyright 2021 - 2025 - Mount Helena Residents & Ratepayers Association, PO Box 156 Mount Helena WA 6082

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